Lab Report Spring 2014: Grads in the lab

This semester, Aisling and I are collaborating on all aspects of lab work, including the DH (digital humanities) initiatives, cataloguing, supervising undergrads, reviewing tech tools, and consulting as needed. Aisling has been working extensively on the new Drupal Constellations site (that is, this site), incorporating and updating new features as needs and interests arise. In addition, Aisling is supervising Vivian, an undergraduate researcher, in cataloging and describing slide collections in the VMW. Aisling is also often consulted about various smaller-scale projects at the cross section of art history and information sciences, including the HAA2400 Configuring Disciplines course.

I have been working more intensely on Itinera, translating books into data, doing “QA” (quality assurance, like editing), and initiating Piero in the use of social media tools, which is essential for anyone who wants to survive in digital marketing. Plus, supervising two FE-R (First Experiences in Research) undergrad researchers, introducing them to DH methods and ideas. Twice a week we're also joined by Jocelyn, another grad student from the School of Information Science, who is collaborating with Alison on developing a DH course.

Read the full report here.