Sean O'Connor

Sean O’Connor is an Urban Studies and Architectural Studies double-major also pursuing a minor in Studio Arts scheduled to graduate in December 2017. He came to Pitt with a strong interest in architecture that began to blend with urban planning theory as he received greater exposure to the changing built environment of Pittsburgh, his hometown. Sean has been involved in multiple sustainability groups at Pitt, including the Give a Thread campaign and the Pitt Environmental Action Coalition. He also served as co-president of Students for Sustainability and designed a low-maintenance sustainable garden as part of the Sustainable Solutions Competition. Currently, Sean works as an intern in landscape architecture and graphic design with Pittsburgh’s Department of City Planning. After graduating, Sean plans to attend graduate school to earn his M. Arch degree.

At HAAARCH!!!, Sean is presenting his Design Studio One project, which meshes together his interests in both architecture and urbanism, using folding architecture to help mend the fragmentation of police and medical assistance services within the community of Hazelwood.