VMW Work Retreat

The VMW graduate researchers (Alex and me) and the director, Alison Langmead, convened a two-day retreat at the end of Spring Term. Although we work collaboratively much of the time, devoting two full days to reflection, discussion, and planning was incredibly worthwhile, especially in anticipation of Alex's departure. Alex and I work on various components of different projects, bringing our knowledge of art history and information science, respectively, so having this time to debrief was absolutely crucial. 

Our first task was to create an agenda for the retreat (see attached image). The color-coded agenda, or set of deliverables, ensured that we kept on topic and had substantive conversations about our current projects.

The retreat demonstrated that face-to-face collaboration is invaluable, even for a team that works in close proximity and constantly communicates via a project management application (Asana is our current project management application of choice). We did take VERY occasional breaks to view the 2014 Eurovision Song Contest submissions, but these breaks truly allowed us to return to our agenda with renewed vigor. 

Alex will be missed in the lab, and I look forward to the reconvergence of the team for our research fieldtrip to the Ohio Historical Society in June (more on that later).