Weekly Update For Exhibition for HAA 1020

This past week, going into this week has been dedicated to finishing up the installation at the gallery. Everyone is working hard to finish mounting wall texts as well as setting up all the display cases and move in the last of the objects in the different galleries. Each team is finalizing their areas of the gallery, each team has different challenges in presenting the objects for the show. Some groups work with vitrines and display cases, while others work with manikins and wall mounted objects.

The class has also finished installing the Avinoff watercolor gallery while installing a few student were able to learn in detail about the effects of lighting on watercolor paintings as well as how to handle the artwork. One of the main challenges with displaying such delicate artwork is the effect light has on the paint. Students were given a device that measures light intensity. this device is used in knowing what range of intensity is safe for objects and artwork to be shown in.