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I took the idea of creating a reading chart exercise from an essay on team-based learning at  I...
As my colleague, Aisling, describes in detail here, we in the Visual Media Workshop have been transcribing Bertillon cards for the...
I took four undergrads to the Flight 93 Memorial today, three of them TAs in my 1010 course and one of them my daughter. The fields...
I will be giving a brown back talk on visualization as a tool in the humanities tomorrow, September 5th at noon. All are invited...
Doctoral, masters, and undergraduate students are collaborating in the Visual Media Workshop, transcribing the ever-inconsistent...
Are you a Facebook user? If so, visit the Facebook page for the Debating Visual Knowledge symposium. Expect updates!
...with cups. For the beginning of term.
Mark your calendars for the University of Pittsburgh's Debating Visual Knowledge Graduate Student Symposium on October 3-5....
The Artl@s Bulletin ( recently came to my attention. This is a peer-reviewed online...
periodic table of visualization methods
I will be teaching a PhD seminar this fall in the digital humanities at the iSchool here at Pitt. The draft syllabus is done for...
Old Media, New Media Image
Cornell University Library has started a project. funded by the NEH, to investigate how best to preserve born-digital art objects....
WPA Image of Pittsburgh
For any of you interested in time-and-space-based visualizations of photography in America, Yale has put out their Photogrammar...
Image of an Optical Toy
This summer has seen any number of "digital art history" institutes going on, from Middlebury to UCLA. Miriam Posner, from UCLA,...
Thursday July 17, 2014 3:45 PM Frick Fine Arts Building, University of Pittsburgh Reception and Light Refreshments to Follow The...
After experimenting with photomatch multiple times, I realized it may not be the best method for assembling this venue because it...
June has been a relaxing month for me, but I must admit that I have not been focusing on the SEP project this month! This is why I...
On Monday, June 9th, Alison Langmead, Alexandra Oliver, Isabelle Chartier, and I embarked on a roadtrip to Columbus, Ohio. Towing...
I have constructed the second and third stories of the SEP. Before I start placing the murals for the third story in the project, I...
One wouldn't think that when searching for images that a singular word could make a difference in the search results---but it does...
The mission of the Encounters Project is multifaceted and involves three different groups of participants that each benefited in...
The Encounters Project unfolded in three phases over the course of one semester. The first, involved us, the undergraduates,...
View of Toledo
The Met recently made available a number of digital images of objects their collection for download on their website. They are "...
The first phase of the project for the undergraduate teaching mentors was to learn how to teach art history lessons. These are the...
January 23rd  What is "Art"? Students defined “art” and worked collaboratively to rank works based on their definition.   ...
We started the teaching portion of the class at a very basic level because we were unsure how familiar and confident students were...
Site visits were an important component of the program because they allow students to confront the monuments and works that they...
Although physical trips to a local sites were a major component of the class, we included examples of public art from other areas...
The Encounters Project exhibition is the culminating point where all of the goals of the program come together to celebrate the...
Each of the final projects can be connected to an artist, site, or voice that was studied earlier in the Encounters Project. I have...
The VMW graduate researchers (Alex and me) and the director, Alison Langmead, convened a two-day retreat at the end of Spring Term...
Criminal identification is kind of like Hegel: once you start studying it, you see it everywhere. Most recently at the Queens...
The fantastic scholar David Berry recently drew attention to a number of issues surrounding facial recognition and the impact of...
Fascinating article: LAPD Crime photographs on exhibition at Paris Photo in LA. Crime + photography - a long, weird marriage.
FE-R students at their final presentations
From 4:30 - 6 pm yesterday, the WPU Assembly room was a zoo: 240 students, 51 faculty mentors, all their posters, laptop computers...
During the spring of 2014, five undergraduate teaching mentors from the University of Pittsburgh implemented a program called The...
...FIVE of the grants went to projects incorporating computing. ("The digital humanities community responded to NEH’s call for...
Our colleagues over at have brought our attention to an "idea comparison" engine that they have set up to talk...
This is my last time in lab before our presentations next Thursday.  (Everyone should totally come to the WPU Assembly Room to see...
     Humanities, usually has the the bad rep of being easy and lacking in innovation and necessary mental capabilities. Society...