Digital Humanities (DH)


Sisters Mary and Agnes Berry, daughters of Robery Berry, born in Britain only 14 months apart, naturally had an insepreable bond. Their mother passed away when they were quite young in childbirth, and so did what would have been their third sister.

Current Conversation about Topic Modelling and "Plot Arcs"

For your perusal, the following are links to a conversation happening currently about topic modelling and plotting the plot of a text. Members of the conversation include: Matt Jockers, Ted Underwood, David Bamman, Ben Schmidt, and Lynn Cherney.

Is Your Cloud Truly Open?

How long has the question asked above been thinkable? Is it even yet thinkable? Check out the entire image up there. Why don't we just substitute "server" for cloud? Because if we do that, the fact that IBM is talking about robust server-terminal architectures suddenly becomes one of #areyouSTILLtalkingaboutthat rather than something more existential like, how can clouds be closed??

Getting Started with "Digital:" A View from Three Others

I am asked many questions on a weekly basis about what it takes to start using digital methods in the humanities. I enjoy answering the questions, but often feel frustrated by my inability to convey precisely what is needed.

Data Modelling "Class"

This is the suite of and YouTube videos that I have been suggesting for a few terms to the humanists around who want to learn more about modelling data in a relational database form. The links for are set to allow Pitt folks to login--if you're coming to this without a login, then sorry...there's still lots of YouTube stuff here!

FIRST SESSION: Data Modeling Basics

Brown Bag Talk on Visualization

I will be giving a brown back talk on visualization as a tool in the humanities tomorrow, September 5th at noon. All are invited!

PhD Seminar in the Digital Humanities, Fall 2014

periodic table of visualization methods

I will be teaching a PhD seminar this fall in the digital humanities at the iSchool here at Pitt. The draft syllabus is done for those who might be interested in seeing what is going on...check out the PDF attached at the bottom of the post.

What do you value about studying the humanities?

Our colleagues over at have brought our attention to an "idea comparison" engine that they have set up to talk about what the value of studying the humanities might be. It presents you with a series of dyads, allowing you to pick between different options...including "I can't decide." You may also add your own thoughts. A peek at the results is also revealing...